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Transmission and Clutch Repair By Halls Service Center Tire Pros in Knoxville, TN

Your transmission and clutch are essential to keeping your vehicle moving smoothly on the road. They work together to enable you to speed up and slow down as needed. If they are damaged or fail to function correctly, they can make driving unsafe and lead to more expensive problems. Halls Service Center Tire Pros provides comprehensive transmission repair in Knoxville, TN and surrounding areas, fixing and enhancing all components and parts for manual and automatic transmissions. We can provide repair, replacement, or maintenance, depending on their condition. If you want a smoother, safer ride, our mechanics will gladly serve you.

Car gearbox repair

Symptoms of Transmission and Clutch Failure

Trust your intuition if your car is operating poorly or if something seems off when driving. Strange smells, sounds, and handling should often concern you and encourage you to stop by our shop. Here are a few of the most common signs of transmission or clutch disrepair:

  • Your vehicle doesn’t accelerate after pressing down further on the pedal
  • Your gears slip in and out involuntarily
  • Your automatic transmission grinds or shakes when shifting gears
  • You smell burning or a heated odor when operating your vehicle
  • Your clutch pedal is overly sensitive or stiff

Your Source for a Reliable Vehicle

Getting your transmission or clutch serviced now will provide you peace of mind and ensure safety on the road. It will also save you money and help you avoid costly repairs. Halls Service Center Tire Pros‘s crew strictly follows the manufacturer’s instructions, ensuring each vehicle is serviced precisely as it should be. We will inspect and assess all your transmission and clutch parts and components and determine if they’re fit for the road. If you need a repair or replacement, you can expect our team to deliver with the highest level of service. We’re here to keep your car in outstanding condition.

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